Environmental Policy Statement

At Advance Vision Technology (AVTech) we take as our responsibility the duty to care for and protect the environment in which we operate. As an IT solutions and services company operating across Australia and Asia, we recognise that our operations have an impact on the environment. We are fully committed to improving environmental performance across all of our business activities, and will encourage our business partners and members of the wider community to share that commitment.


AVTech’s commitment to continual improvement extends across the entirety of the IT business chain that we are part of. This includes:

Our Clients and Services

Through the services we provide, we seek to promote the most energy efficient and environmentally sustainable options appropriate for our clients, aiming to consider not simply their energy consumption but the impacts of the entire lifecycle of any hardware involved – from manufacture to final disposal – where possible. We will work with our clients, suppliers and partners to encourage life-cycle and environmental thinking so that environmental impacts are minimised during operation and on disposal.

Our Partners and Suppliers

The degree of environmental responsibility demonstrated by our existing and potential suppliers will increasingly play a part in our procurement decisions. To this end, we will adopt an environmental procurement policy as part of our broader EMS.

Our Business Operations

Within the administrative and operational areas of our business, we are in the process of establishing an Environmental Management System (EMS) and are committed to measuring and monitoring our environmental footprint, reducing our energy consumption, travel related carbon emissions, paper and consumables’ usage and waste.

Our Employees

Our people are integral to our environmental practices and we have started to communicate with our employees about how they can help the company and themselves to be more aware of the environmental impact of their everyday lives.



As a group, AVTech are specifically committed to the following objectives and continuous improvement by: 

Environmental Legislation and Regulation

Complying with all legal requirements within our business operations and service provision.

Operations and Business Practices

  • Measuring, monitoring and reducing the carbon and environmental impacts of our business
  • Continually identifying and monitoring environmental issues that may arise from our businesses and services and resolving these promptly and effectively.

Community and Employees

Creating an environmental awareness amongst our employees and making them an integral part of the organisation’s sustainability initiatives.


Undertaking regular evaluations of our sustainability initiatives and reporting internally and publicly on our progress in reducing our impact

Once the EMS is in place AVTech will annually review its performance to these objectives and make the results available.